
So much to do, and so little time!

So Ryan and I are going to be busy for the next two weeks! Yay!

Starting tomorrow my awesome friend Sandra is throwing me a baby shower. I think I may be more excited to see her than the actual shower! She's here from Illinois with her whole little brood: her daughter and twin boys. All under three. I am amazed by her for just that. I figure if Sandra can handle three young children and be an awesome mom than I can at least be a good mom to one little girl still on her way!

Then on Thursday we're heading up to Utah for a Kimball family reunion. I can't wait for that either!! While I have only met and seen Ryan's cousins a few times I love spending time with them. They make me feel like I've been in the family forever. His aunts, uncles and grandparents are awesome too! His grandma makes the best pumpkin syrup EVER. I don't know what she puts in it, but I can never get enough of the stuff when she makes it. And her chocolate banana smoothies are awesome too.

My birthday is on Sunday, so yay me! I'll be 24 years old. Finally the same age as most of my friends! I shall celebrate my birthday by driving home from Utah. Lol.

Monday through Wednesday I work. Not super exciting, but my fellow office girl will be happy that I'm back for a brief time.

Thursday I'm off to Carlsbad to spend a few days with my parents, step-grandparents, aunt, uncle and cousins. I haven't seen them since, I think, last year. I could be wrong. I do have pregnancy brain and recalling things more than two days ago is difficult. I plan on making the trek down to the beach at least once, but I think for the most part I'll be staying up by the campsite as I do have a stomach now with a little being in it and she tends to get upset when I walk too much. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it).

And neat little bit of fact - the picture currently of Ryan and I on this blog is from the last Kimball Reunion (a month before our wedding). We're not big picture takers but I am trying to change that because I do not want ot miss a moment of Zoey growing up. So hopefully we I can update one famiy reunion photo with another. :-D


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